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Introducing the Disport Disc*

(*patent pending)

The Disport Disc developed from an idea to create a spacing marker for a track & field triple jump bounding drill. Banana hurdles you say? Too often kicked out of place or stepped on. Chalk marks? Well, you know how hard it is to keep track of those once you change distances. Shoes, ...cones? Uh, no. The solution was a flat rubber disk made of the same stuff as a track. It's easy to place, it's easy to move. It doesn't move when it's in place... It's a pretty good idea, admit it. Sure it's only a rubber disc but you can't buy them just anywhere. Hey, we have them though. We call them "track dots" but we've heard tell of them being used for ice hockey, tennis, and volleyball drills. We know someone who used one as a floor mat in front of the kitchen sink ... interesting ... Anywho, we've developed applications for high jump, long jump, triple jump, hurdles, and other things we're not at liberty to say... Try a few. See what you come up with. We triple jump dog dare you... 


Enter Our Monthly Drawing

Get some free stuff... Win three disport discs along with one of our exclusive fancy company t-shirts. You don't even have to buy anything! Alls you gotta do... is fill out the contact form below and send it in. (We draw the first of each month)... And while you're doing that, why not pass along our website information to a colleague or two?

 21" diameter --- multiple thicknesses


...Here is a friend of the company using the dots for a long jump take off drill... Good job Trixie!...

100% Recycled Rubber

Flexible Construction

Multiple Thicknesses

Athlete Approved

Made in the USA


Phone:207-344-9094  /

For each Disport Disc purchased a donation will be made to: Team Long Run 

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